Newsletter june 2024

Hello everyone, and I hope you’ve had a great spring.
Now, the first summer month of the year is here, and we’re gearing up for the hiking season. After spending the entire winter on a ski expedition, we’ve been quite busy since returning home at the end of April. Of course, we need to work to replenish our bank accounts, but we’ve also dedicated time to small steps in developing our business at Scandinavia Adventure Travels. One less enjoyable task has been dealing with the fact that our house needs a new sewage system. In Fjätervålen, where we live, we have individual septic systems, and ours has reached the end of its lifespan and requires replacement. It’s a significant cost for us, around 100,000 SEK just for the system itself, not to mention the labor costs for excavation and installation.
The guide season kicks off in earnest after midsummer, starting from July onward, and currently, our booking situation looks promising. Our business relies on collaboration with accommodation facilities, where we offer hiking weeks, courses, and our primary focus: tailor-made adventures for small groups and individuals. This summer, we’re also involved in an exciting development project to create hiking trails in the northern Dalafjällen region.
During spring, both of us have experienced a sense of longing for life on the trail. It’s a common feeling among those who’ve spent extended periods outdoors, and it’s so prevalent that there’s even a term for it: “post-trail depression.” It’s not new to us; we’ve felt the same way after longer trips or seasons filled with rewarding guide work and personal adventures. The best remedy is to acknowledge the feeling, be aware of it, and dive into new things, projects, and journeys that enrich our lives.

Right now, we’re planning to take a small group of travel agents out into the mountains tomorrow to share more about our business. We’re looking forward to it!
Best regards, Lars & Elin